Can I make Apple Cider with real apples?
Apple Cider is fairly easy to make from fresh apples.
If you happen to have large quantities of apples available and would like to make cider from scratch, our friends from Love Brewing have created some detailed instructions on how to do that, using our Mangrove Jack’s Cider Yeast. If that’s too much of a hassle for you, you can always come back to the more convenient Mangrove Jack's Cider Pouch Kit where we’ve done the hard yards for you!
You can treat the juice with various wine making additions to assist in bacterial growth and colour, add nutrients for better fermentation etc.
Please note you'll also need the right apples (supermarket varieties are not suitable). And we can't give exact recipes because if you apples from one back yard to another will differ in the sugar content, so the juice from 15 kg of apples will result in a different starting gravity (OG).
You can use non preserved apple juice from the supermarket and sugar which is easier. But we don’t have a proven recipe for this, but perhaps try these resources: