How to control the power mode on the G30 Connect Controller
To enter (or exit) power control mode, hold the heat button for 6 seconds. Once the power control mode is active, the LCD screen will change to only display the current temperature and power output.
You can use the up/down buttons to change the power output in 5% increments.
The benefit of this for distilling is that you can lower the power output to slow down the speed at
which the distilled spirits comes out. This is desirable during the spirit run when you are making
cuts to separate the heads and tails from the hearts.
On the App -
- Go to the Equipment Profile on the App that you brew with. (for example, the Bluetooth 220V Controller)
- Once selected, scroll down to the BOIL section and turn on the Boil Control Power, then press save.
- When you connect to the controller directly via Bluetooth you will be able to control the power output or,
- When you are in the boiling stage, and the timer has begun, your G30 Connect Controller will look like this and you can manually adjust the boil power on the Controller by pressing up and down.